Tetanus Neonatorum (Muscle Stiffness) - NASA Health

1. Description
Tetanus wounds are basically ordinary wounds, except that the tetanus neonatorum wound can occur when the wound is poorly maintained and the bacteria Tetanospasmin is intact, where the bacteria will stick to and damage the function of the central nerve, the peripheral nerve which results in stiffness, cramps and so on, so that often happens, the sufferer experiences breathing difficulties, difficulty swallowing until he cannot eat and drink, the result of which is bad to death.

Tetanus is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Tetanospasmin (a type of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani) which will enter into small or narrow wounds to stick and release toxic fluids that will affect the brain nerve, spinal cord to the muscles. Tetanus bacteria cause the nervous system and muscles to become rigid and convulsions which can be fatal, where the patient will have difficulty breathing and can lead to death. However, tetanus is not classified as an infectious disease.

The incubation period or the entry of the disease between 3-15 days and symptoms will occur after 8 days.

2. Characteristics
  • Abnormal swelling at the wound site
  • Wounds are difficult to heal
  • The initial period (seizures) usually occurs on the 7th day, if the initial seizures occur less than 48 hours, then this is the dominant acute tetanus disease.
  • Pain around the wound site
  • Continuous convulsions occur for 1-2 months and will begin to subside at 10-14 days, and will leave a feeling of weakness and stiffness will last a long time
  • Your abdominal muscles will be stiff and can become like a board
  • Stiffness in the mouth to the throat
  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing
3. Symptoms
a. Early stage
Back pain, and discomfort throughout the body. One day later there is muscle stiffness until difficulty swallowing

b. Second stage
  1. Initial symptoms continue with seizures accompanied by chewing muscle pain (trismus), a slight stiffness in the jaw, which increases until the teeth close tightly, and the mouth cannot be opened at all and can spread to the muscles of the facial muscles, so that the patient's face will be visible weird scary, because of the pull from the muscle muscles in the corners of the mouth.
  2. In addition, the abdominal muscles become stiff without pain and will increase until the patient's head is pulled back (Ophistotonus). This situation can occur 48 hours after experiencing injury.
  3. And other symptoms that often arise are the patient becomes slow and has difficulty moving, including breathing and swallowing food. The sufferer experiences pressure in the chest area, the voice changes due to tightly spoken mouth or teeth, and the movement of the palate becomes limited.
c. Third phase
  1. The stimulating power of muscle nerve cells increases, so that reflex spasms occur. Usually this happens a few hours after muscle stiffness. These muscle spasms can occur spontaneously without external stimulation, but can also be due to external stimulation, such as light, touch, sounds.
  2. Besides being able to cause inflammation of the heart muscle (mycarditis), tetanus can cause difficulty urinating and constipation. Tongue stiffness, even spinal fractures can occur due to severe muscle spasms. Death usually results from failure of respiratory function, which is generally 50%. This is due to airway obstruction, due to collapse of the airway.
4. Prescription Treatment
The right supplement to help cure Tetanus neonatorum diseases, including Sunpro (inolief), Chlorophyllin, Curcumed, Lecithin, Royal Jelly

Main Recipe : Sunpro, Lecithin, Royal Jelly
While the complete recipe is more recommended because it can speed healing

5. Recommended Diet


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